Thursday, November 20, 2008

Council votes final DENIAL of Seeno Project, Nov.18,2008

On Nov. 18, 2008, the Benicia City Council voted to accept a Resolution of Denial of Discovery Builder's proposed project for their Benicia Business Park. This was a confirmation of their previous negative vote on Oct. 7 regarding a Resolution of Approval of the project's EIR Addendum.

For more details of the torturous application process that finally led to denial, see this Seeno Project Timeline .

The following newspaper article provide details about the Nov. 18 vote:
Benicia Rejects Seeno Project

Benician's can now look forward to working with Discovery Builders in a clean new application process as the company collaborates with all community and city stakeholders from the start on a visionary 21st Century project that will meet the needs of ALL.

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